Wednesday 19 September 2012

About the Author

I grew up in Africa until a certain age in a very affluent environment. Africa gives you perspective. You see the unimaginable as well as the unimaginable. Yes, I used the same word twice. I experienced a life of riley, constantly mingling with royals and children of aristocrats, in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I left at a young age to pursue a life as a professional tennis player. I lived in every European country imaginable. Fast forward a few years where one day I woke up as an Ivy League student studying philosophy. Fast forward again and you find me millimeters away from becoming a professional footballer. I am a lucky man.
If there is something I know, it is how to dress. Understand one thing. The way you dress changes your life. Perceptions of who you are are initially built around the way you appear. This blog will be a transformer of your life. It will make you a more confident and more attractive man. Rather than an instructive manual, this is a field for observation. I will be focusing on topics and specific looks from Princeton Ivy-prep to "Amalfiesque" chic. I will provide recommendations on how to wear specific items and which brands are the kings of specific garments. You will also find the occassional health and fitness tips to look after your body. You can be the sharpest dressed man in the world but if you can't fit through that door you will always look like a hippopotamus.


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